Request #7069
Steel Craft
12900 Euclid St., Garden Grove, CA 92840
Planning Services Division
Please find this as a records request for the above listed property:
Provide copies of any Approved Site Plans or Development Approvals, Variances, Ordinances, Conditional Use Permits, Special Exception Permits, Zoning Cases and Resolutions associated with property
Provide copies of Certificate of Occupancy or Final Building Permits
Provide copies of any road project plans (construction, widening, etc…) that would require additional right of way from the property.
I can be contacted via email. If possible I would like any information that are available to be email to me .
Thank you
Tim Do
Vudo Construction /
Request has been completed.
August 12, 2021
Message from Amanda M Pollock
August 12, 2021
Assigned to Lee W Marino, Rosemarie Jacot
August 09, 2021
Request received
August 02, 2021
Closed on Aug 12
SteelCraft was originally approved under Site Plan No. SP-044-2017, Variance No. V-017-2017, and Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-116-2017. Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-145-2018 was approved for the sale of alcohol by Beachwood. The project was revised under SP-044-2017 (REV. 2019) and Variance No. V-024-2019. Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-173-2019 for the sale of alcohol by Wilson Creek. Attached are:
SP-044-2017, V-017-2017, CUP-116-2017 Staff Report
SP-044-2017, V-017-2017, CUP-116-2017 Resolution
SP-044-2017, V-017-2017, CUP-116-2017 Conditions Of Approval
CUP-145-2018 Staff Report
CUP-145-2018 Decision
CUP-145-2018 Conditions Of Approval
SP-044-2017 (REV. 2019), Variance No. V-024-2019 Staff Report
SP-044-2017 (REV. 2019), Variance No. V-024-2019 Decision
SP-044-2017 (REV. 2019), Variance No. V-024-2019 Conditions Of Approval
CUP-173-2019 Staff Report
CUP-173-2019 Decision
CUP-173-2019 Conditions of Approval
All building permit records are now available online.
Please click this link and provide the street number and name:
(Note: Any available record pertaining to building permits is included with the building permit online file. If the building has a Certificate of Occupancy, it will be contained within the permit files.)
Engineering has no records responsive to this request.
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove