Request #6775
request all memos about removing K-RAILS WITH GRAFFITI by public works ,or the administration, any memos sent to OCTA requesting ok to take ownership to remove from park at 10555 Stanford Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92840 congressional medal of honor bike/pedestrians trail park .
Request has been completed.
April 13, 2021
Message from Amanda M Pollock
April 13, 2021
Assigned to Mark W Ladney
April 13, 2021
Request received
April 12, 2021
Message from the requesting party
Attached document(s)
April 11, 2021
Closed on Apr 13
The City of Garden Grove staff has conducted a thorough search of their files and was unable to locate any records concerning your request.
Thank you,
City Clerkâs Office
City of Garden Grove