Request #6595



Arterial & Residential Street Improvements Contract #: 7212
Various Locations Garden Grove Ca 92840

Dear Sir/Madam:

The Center for Contract Compliance is a nonprofit Labor-Management Committee that specializes in monitoring public works projects. Please consider this a formal request for copies of documents on the above referenced project pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250, et. seq. We are requesting:

Name and license number of the awarded general/multi-prime contractor.
Copy of the subcontractors list with license numbers of the awarded general/multi-prime contractor submitted at time of bid, even if left blank by the contractor.
Copy of the original bid advertisement with proof of publication.


Duplicate request. Request has been closed as it is a duplicate of request #6591
February 05, 2021
Request received
February 05, 2021


Closed on Feb 05