Request #6594
Project: Sewer Main Replacement Project No. 1 and Project No. 7840 / Requesting Bid Information: A) Contract number and date of award; B) Bid advertising date;
C) Bid opening date; D) Location of project; E) Project start date; F) Project completion date; G) Names and addresses of each general contractor, and subcontractor and nature of their work per the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act at California Public Contract Code Sections 4100-4107.
Request has been completed.
February 16, 2021
Message from Amanda M Pollock
February 16, 2021
Assigned to Liyan Jin, Jessica J Polidori, Rebecca Pik Kwan Li
February 05, 2021
Request received
February 05, 2021
Closed on Feb 16
A) Contract number and date of award: NO. 7840, February 25, 2020
B) Bid advertising date: December 20,2019
C) Bid opening date; January 23,2020
D) Location of project; Various Locations in City of Garden Grove
E) Project start date;: April 27, 2020
F) Project completion date: Ongoing project
G-1) Names and addresses of each general contractor,
CHI Construction
701 E. Ball Road #101
Anaheim, CA 92805
G-2) and subcontractor and nature of their work per the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act at California Public Contract Code Sections 4100-4107.
Manhole Builder, 11762 De Palma Rd. Ste 1-C PMB234, Corona CA 92883. Manhole construction.
All American Asphalt P.O. Box 229, Corona, CA 92878, Paving
Thank you,
City Clerkâs Office
City of Garden Grove