Request #6556
Here is the list of requested docs for the following address: 9001 Trask Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92844
1. The permit requests for signs, special events and other temporary adverting devices for the past 3 years (beginning 2018 to 2020 end).
2. The most recent land/parcel re-zoning and parcel description.
3. The building permits issued for the past 6 years (since the beginning of 2015).
4. Any violations issued by Code Enforcement Dept for the past 6 years ( (since the beginning of 2015).
Thank you.
Request has been completed.
February 03, 2021
Message from Amanda M Pollock
February 03, 2021
Assigned to Svetlana Moure, David A Dent, Pedro Roque, Lee W Marino
January 26, 2021
Request received
January 25, 2021
Closed on Feb 03
Please click on the link below to access documents responsive to your request.
All building permit records are now available online.
Please click this link and provide the street number and name:
(Note: Any available record pertaining to building permits is included with the building permit online file. If the building has a Certificate of Occupancy, it will be contained within the permit files.)
Thank you,
City Clerkâs Office
City of Garden Grove