Request #6476
Please send me any and all cat related articles/calls/dispatches/pick up/ drop offs, etc. for the following dates:
May, 2018 through
December 2019.
Anything involving cats i.e.- officers dispatched to a residence, correspondence between officers by phone, email, or calls, correspondence between officers and OC Humane Society in Huntington Beach involving cats, residents calling about cats ,emails involving cats, or anytime a cat was picked up by an officer dead or alive.
Thank you kindly.
Request has been completed.
December 22, 2020
Message from Amanda M Pollock
December 22, 2020
Request received
December 21, 2020
Closed on Dec 22
Mr. Wennbo,
You requested "Anything involving cats i.e.- officers dispatched to a residence, correspondence between officers by phone, email, or calls, correspondence between officers and OC Humane Society in Huntington Beach involving cats, residents calling about cats ,emails involving cats, or anytime a cat was picked up by an officer dead or alive..." between the following dates of "May, 2018 through December 2019." Because this request is very similar to the requests received in three prior occasions, Requests Nos. 5491, 6118, and 6396, we responded that we have already provided all responsive records in our possession in response to those requests.
As provided previously to Request No. 6396, this request is objected to on the grounds that, as phrased, is vague, overly broad and unduly burdensome. Note that in Rogers v. Superior Court, (1993) 19 Cal. App.4th 469, 481, the Court held that requests for public records must be focused and specific. We suggest that perhaps you might specify whether the records you are interested in relate to a specific issue or event pertaining to a specific residence, and/or limiting your request to events occurring within specific dates.
You can access your previous request at the following link:
PLEASE NOTE: Future records requests can be submitted by accessing the City’s website at
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove