Request #6471


ENCON is presently conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, and we would like to review case files, permits or any records for the following address:

13876 Harbor Boulevard, Ste 3A, Garden Grove, CA 92843

We would appreciate it if you can contact us back when there exists any files or permit, corresponding records as to underground/above fuel tank, soil/groundwater contamination cases, environmental remediation, hazardous material generation/treatment/storage/disposal, inventory of hazardous materials, toxic substances, reported violations, air quality problems, environmental equipment operations, or any other environmental concerns or issues.


Request has been completed.
January 19, 2021
Message from Amanda M Pollock

No Fire Department records were found concerning the history of the above-mentioned site, especially as it pertains to current occupant fire code violations, hazardous materials disclosure, permits, and or environmental records.

The City does not provide records on spills, leaks and clean-up, as that information is provided through the County of Orange Health Department.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

January 19, 2021
Due date extended by

Due date extended to 1/19/2021 due to holiday closure of City Hall on 1/18/2021.
Due date extended to: Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 18, 2021
Due date extended by

Due date extended to 1/19/2021 due to holiday closure of City Hall on 1/18/2021.
Due date extended to: Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 18, 2021
Message from anonymous

Public Works Department files have been reviewed and there are no files found responsive to your request.

January 13, 2021
Due date extended by

Request for Public Records – City of Garden Grove Notice of Extension

The City of Garden Grove has received your records request dated December 21 2020, Request #6471. The City’s intent is to comply with your request for public records, pursuant to the California Public Records Act (the “Act”) (Government Code §6250 et seq.).

The City is in the process of evaluating this request and is compiling records in an effort to make a determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the City of Garden Grove. However, notice is hereby given that the time limit to make this initial determination under the code shall be extended by fourteen (14) days to January 18, 2020, pursuant to Government Code §6253, for the following reason:

(a) The extension of time is reasonable and necessary for the proper processing of the request.

As noted above, the City’s written determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable, Denon-exempt and non-privileged public records in the possession of the agency shall be sent to you on or about January 18, 2020. Pursuant to the Act, thereafter any and all disclosable, non-exempt and non-privileged public records that are deemed responsive to your request will be made promptly available to you.

City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove
Due date extended to: Monday, January 18, 2021

January 04, 2021
Assigned to Albert J Holmon Iii, Amanda M Pollock
December 21, 2020
Request received
December 21, 2020


Closed on Jan 19