Request #6428


I am interested in your agency’s formal process for Public Works solicitations, and I am looking to compile the following information:

1. Subject to CUPCCAA (California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act)?
2. Copy of most recent formal Public Works bid not requiring pre-qualification
3. Copy of most recent formal Public Works bid requiring pre-qualification
4. Copy of most recent project-specific pre-qualification conducted in accordance with CA PCC 20101 and associated bid (if different from #3)
5. Copy of most recent annual pre-qualification conducted in accordance with CA PCC 20101
6. Copy of the agency’s policy/procedure/ordinance governing public works procurement

Please advise if there is a charge to produce any of the items.

Thank you in advance for your time and attention to this request.


Jocelyn Casillas
OCFA Purchasing Management Assistant


Request has been completed.
December 15, 2020
Message from Amanda M Pollock

1. Subject to CUPCCAA (California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act)?
This information can be found in the Purchasing Manual, Chapter 9, Pages 29-38, which is attached.

2. Copy of most recent formal Public Works bid not requiring pre-qualification
See IFB S-1274 attached

3. Copy of most recent formal Public Works bid requiring pre-qualification

4. Copy of most recent project-specific pre-qualification conducted in accordance with CA PCC 20101 and associated bid (if different from #3)

5. Copy of most recent annual pre-qualification conducted in accordance with CA PCC 20101
Not conducted

6. Copy of the agency’s policy/procedure/ordinance governing public works procurement
Ordinance 2872 (attached) and Municipal Code 2.52.010 contain this information. Please see the Garden Grove Municipal Code Text at the link below:

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

December 15, 2020
Assigned to Rosemarie Jacot
December 08, 2020
Assigned to Sandra E Segawa
December 07, 2020
Request received
December 07, 2020


Closed on Dec 15