Request #5666


April 20, 2020

Ms. Teresa Pomeroy
City Clerk, City of Garden Grove
Garden Grove City Hall Via E-Mail
11222 Acacia Pkwy.
Garden Grove, CA 92840

Re: Request for Public Records -- Supplemental Documents

Dear Ms. Pomeroy:

Thank you for your prompt response to my Public Records Act (PRA) Request by which you provided me a copy of the response letter from City Attorney Omar Sandoval to Attorney Robert Blackmon, general counsel to RAAS Nutirionals and to Mr. Kieu Hoang. This follow-up letter is a further request for public records submitted pursuant to California Government Code section 6250 et seq., the California PRA.

This request is for the following supplemental public records specifically related to the anti-coronavirus gift give-away drive-through, organized by RAAS and Mr. Hoang, on Saturday morning, April 4, 2020, at Garden Grove Park, Garden Grove, California, also referred to as the "Event" below:

1. Any and all written, audio, video recordings, and radio communication with, between, by, and among city staff, including Garden Grove Police personnel and code enforcement officers, relating to or concerning about, the gift give-away drive-through Event as described above.

I am not interested nor am asking for attorney-client privileged communication or work product between the city attorney and city employees. However, the law is very clear that the public is fully entitled to documents and communication conducted by local public officials that do not fall under any of the privileged or confidentiality exceptions.

This is a request for electronic records in their original electronic format. (Gov. Code § 6253.9.) If records are available in both electronic and hard-copy format, please provide both the electronic records and hard-copies. You can e-mail the electronic records to me at For any record that is not available electronically, please provide me with the actual cost, if any, of duplicating the records.

Should you withhold responsive records, please justify the withholding of the record in writing by citing the legal authority and the reason why the record is exempted from disclosure. (Gov. Code § 6255, subd. (a).) Please also provide the name and title of the individual responsible for the denial. (Gov. Code § 6253, subd. (d).)

I am looking forward to your response within 10 days as to whether you possess disclosable public records that are responsive to this request. If you have any questions related to this request, please contact me via e-mail at, or by calling me at (714) 404-7022. I would be happy to provide any clarification that will help expedite this request.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter and I look forward to receiving a response from you.


P.O. Box 836
Garden Grove, CA 92842


Request has been completed.
May 11, 2020
Message from Amanda M Pollock

This records request has been handled directly by the Garden Grove Police Department. Per GGPD, the records for request #5666 have been provided to the requester and will now be closed through the City Clerk's Office.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

May 11, 2020
Due date extended by

Request for Public Records – City of Garden Grove Notice of Extension

The City of Garden Grove has received your records request dated April 20, 2020, Request #5666. The City’s intent is to comply with your request for public records, pursuant to the California Public Records Act (the “Act”) (Government Code §6250 et seq.).

The City is in the process of evaluating this request and is compiling records in an effort to make a determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the City of Garden Grove. However, notice is hereby given that the time limit to make this initial determination under the code shall be extended by fourteen (14) days to May 14, 2020, pursuant to Government Code §6253, for the following reason:

(a) The extension of time is reasonable and necessary for the proper processing of the request.

As noted above, the City’s written determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable, non-exempt and non-privileged public records in the possession of the agency shall be sent to you on or about May 14, 2020. Pursuant to the Act, thereafter any and all disclosable, non-exempt and non-privileged public records that are deemed responsive to your request will be made promptly available to you.

City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove
Due date extended to: Thursday, May 14, 2020

April 29, 2020
Assigned to Omar Sandoval
April 20, 2020
Request received
April 20, 2020


Closed on May 11