Request #5524


Please provide a copy of the fire incident report for the property located at 12352 Lampson Ave. Garden Grove, CA 92840 for a fire that had occurred between January 1, 2018 to January 31, 2018. The property owner is Huyen Tran, who is my client.

I am assisting my client with a property insurance claim with their
insurance carrier, Safeco and we need the fire incident report as proof that the fire had occurred.

Thank you,

Kyle H. Tang
The Law Office of Kyle H. Tang


Request has been completed.
March 05, 2020
Message from Amanda M Pollock

The City of Garden Grove staff has conducted a thorough search of their files and was unable to locate any records concerning your request of any structural fires between January 1, 2018-January 31, 2018.

Attached is the only Fire Department incident recorded between the provided dates. The attached incident is for a downed power line on January 5, 2018, and NOT for a structural fire. No other Fire Department incidents were reported/recorded for this address, during the dates provided.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

March 05, 2020
Assigned to Amanda M Pollock
March 02, 2020
Request received
March 02, 2020


Closed on Mar 05