Request #5493


February 20 2020

Pursuant to the state open records law Cal. Gov't Code Secs. 6250 to 6277, I write to request access to and a copy of:

All cellular voice and data services contracts, amendments, extensions, and renewals executed between the City of Garden Grove and Verizon, AT&T, FirstNet, T-Mobile, and Sprint via CALNET from January 2015 to the present date.

All city documents pertaining to cellular voice and data services contracts between the City of Garden Grove and Verizon, AT&T, FirstNet, T-Mobile, and Sprint via CALNET from January 2015 to the present date including, but not limited to, city council meeting minutes, resolutions, actions, staff reports, workforce reports, program evaluations and cost estimate worksheets.

All cellular voice and data services contracts, amendments, extensions, renewals and executed between the City of Garden Grove and Verizon, AT&T, FirstNet, T-Mobile, and Sprint via NASPO (National Association of State Procurement Officials) and/or WSCA (Western States Contracting Alliance) from January 2015 to the present date.

All city documents pertaining to cellular voice and data services contracts between the City of Garden Grove and Verizon, AT&T, FirstNet, T-Mobile, and Sprint via NASPO (National Association of State Procurement Officials) and/or WSCA (Western States Contracting Alliance) from January 2015 to the present date including, but not limited to, city council meeting minutes, resolutions, actions, staff reports, workforce reports, program evaluations and cost estimate worksheets.

If your agency does not maintain these public records, please let me know who does and include the proper custodian's name and address.

Please provide documents electronically wherever possible. I agree to pay any reasonable copying and postage fees of not more than $25.00. If the cost would be greater than this amount, please notify me. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges for each document.

If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.

Thank you for your assistance.


(Omitted by City Clerk's Office)


Request has been completed.
March 02, 2020
Message from Amanda M Pollock

Please click on the link below to access document(s) responsive to your request.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

March 02, 2020
Assigned to Sandra E Segawa
February 21, 2020
Assigned to Lizabeth C Vasquez
February 21, 2020
Request received
February 20, 2020


Closed on Mar 02