Request #5432


Closed massage establishments within 2 years with physical address.
From: "Kim"
To: "Public Records Request"
Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 6:42:33 PM
Subject: RE: Request #5432: Message from MARITZA PIZARRO

Thank your for clearing that out. Massage establishments, Chiropractor office that have closed and no new owner has subsequently opened another in the same location?

Thank you so very much



Request has been completed.
February 05, 2020
Message from Maritza Pizarro

The City of Garden Grove staff has conducted a thorough search of their files and was unable to locate any records concerning your request.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

February 05, 2020
Message from Maritza Pizarro

To better assist you please confirm, are you inquiring for massage establishments that have closed and no new owner has subsequently opened another in the same location?
Or, for all those that have closed, but there may be a new owner as a massage establishment in the same location?

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

February 04, 2020
Assigned to Corinne L Hoffman
January 30, 2020
Request received
January 30, 2020


Closed on Feb 05