Request #4947


please provide a list of general contractors which have city business licensed in city of garden grove in last 5 years.


Request has been completed.
September 06, 2019
Message from Maritza Pizarro

Please click on the link below to access documents responsive to your request, a list of General Contractors with active Garden Grove Business Licenses.

Per Garden Grove Business License Division, please note:
1) The list consists of all General Contractors who have a business license with our city, including those not headquartered in Garden Grove.
2) We cannot decipher who has had one in the last 5 years, as our system doesn't track that. The list contains the original date they were entered in the system, and their current expiration date.
3) Keep in mind, building contractors headquartered outside the city and coming into our city to do a job/project, only need to have an active business license when they are physically working in Garden Grove. Those headquartered in Garden Grove need to maintain an active Garden Grove business license at all times for their business headquarters, even if they do not currently have a job/project in Garden Grove.

Thank you,
Maritza Pizarro
Records Coordinator
City of Garden Grove
City Clerk's Office

September 06, 2019
Assigned to Corinne L Hoffman
August 27, 2019
Request received
August 27, 2019


Closed on Sep 06