Request #4444


Dear City Clerk,

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I am requesting information from the Garden Grove City Clerk

I am requesting an electronic copy (Excel preferred) of the list of all data for every property in Garden Grove that meets the criteria below.

I further request the records be sent to me via email to or, in the absence of an electronic copy, providing the information on USB Drive or CD-ROM is also acceptable.

I further request that this list include the following:

1. All Open Code Violations with Building & Safety, Fire and Public Nuisance
2. Parcel ID Number (Standard parcel ID if available as the identifier)
3. Property Address (Street Number, City, State, Zip) of each parcel
4. Property Owner Name (Full)
5. Property Owner Mailing address (May be same or different from property address)

In the event one or more item/s above is/are not readily available, please provide the data which is readily available to the extent possible. If additional items are readily available please provide them as well.

If there are any fees for searching, copying or mailing the records, please let me know BEFORE you work on my request.

If you deny all or any part of this request, please cite each specific exemption you think justifies your refusal to release the information and notify me of appeal procedures available under the law.

Please contact me for further questions or clarification.

Jessica Oots


Request has been completed.
March 11, 2019
Message from Maritza Pizarro

Please click on the link below to access documents responsive to your request.

Thank you,
Maritza Pizarro
City of Garden Grove
City Clerk's Office

March 11, 2019
Assigned to Svetlana Moure, David A Dent, Pedro Roque, Michael G Austin
March 08, 2019
Request received
March 08, 2019


Closed on Mar 11