Request #3154
A copy of the fire report prepared by Garden Grove FD for an incident that occurred at 12092 Adrian Street, Garden Grove Ca 92840 on or around October 12, 2017. Fire occurred at an apartment complex owned by one of our Insureds, and resulted in a tenant, Justin Holman, being taken to the hospital.
Dear Ms. Mordell,
After a thorough search of their files, Garden Grove Fire Department staff was unable to locate any reports regarding a fire for the address of 12092 Adrian Street on October 12, 2017, or any dates in October. They did however locate a report for an EMS call dated October 20, 2017. Please click on the link below to access a copy of that report.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City Clerk's Office
City of Garden Grove
There is no report for that address on that date, or any dates in October. This is for Crystal View Apartments which are also on Bayport Street, I check that address for the month of October and there are only False Alarm incidents for Fire.
I will send the one report I found for an incident on October 20th, but it is not a fire.
Dear Angelique,
Please click on the link below to access a copy of Garden Grove Fire Department Incident Report No. 2017-710971 pertaining to an incident that occurred in September 2017 at the property located at 12092 Adrian Street in Garden Grove.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City Clerk's Office
City of Garden Grove
From: "Angelique Mordell
To: "denisek"
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 8:32:07 AM
Subject: RE: Request #3154: Message from DENISE KEHN
Hello Denise -- Would you be able to check for the month of September? Or do I have to submit a new request? Apparently when this was first reported to us, it was not reported with a correct date. Actual date of incident is September 26, 2017. Thank you
Best Regards,
Angelique Mordell