Request #3010


RE: Citation #: GGE00032649

Dear Denise,

Can you please provide me with the issuing officer’s reverse side of the citation, logs, hand written notes and/or typed written reports relating to the above captioned citation?

Also please provide copies of any and all information regarding the specific LIDAR unit (PL24823) that was used as the basis to issue this particular citation including but not limited to citation logs, maintenance and/or repair records and calibration dates for the time period of August 25, 2016 to August 25, 2017.

And finally, please provide me with the most current speed survey that justifies and/or substantiates the prima facie speed limit on Yockey Street between Garden Grove Boulevard and Trask Avenue.

The above request is being made pursuant to The California Public Records Act and The Federal Freedom of Information Act. Thank you in advance for providing the above requested records within ten (10) days of the date of this letter.

Respectfully submitted.


Request has been completed.
September 05, 2017
Message from Denise Kehn

RE: Citation # GGE00032649

Dear Mr. Flores,

Please click on the link below to access records responsive to your request regarding citation number GGE0032649. Please note that other than the citation, a separate report containing information that must be disclosed under the Public Records Act, was not prepared. The officer's notes are exempt from disclosure under Government Code section 6254(f).

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City Clerk's Office
City of Garden Grove

September 05, 2017
Assigned to Victoria L Lawton, Dai C Vu, Rosemarie Jacot, Todd D Elgin
August 25, 2017
Request received
August 25, 2017


Closed on Sep 05