Request #2720
Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Gov’t Code §§ 6250 et seq., and Art. I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution, I write on behalf of the ACLU of Southern California to request the Garden Grove Police Department’s current policies on:
1. Use of force;
2. Deadly force;
3. Less lethal / Less than lethal force;
4. Continuum of force;
5. Restraints;
6. Control devices and techniques;
7. Carotid holds;
8. Electronic Control Weapons / Tasers;
9. Vehicle pursuits / Shooting at or from moving vehicles;
10. Shootings / Officer-Involved Shootings;
11. De-escalation;
12. Duty to intercede (in cases of excessive force);
13. Medical consideration / In-custody injuries;
14. Use of force reporting and review;
15. Critical incident review;
16. Early warning system;
17. Citizen complaints of misconduct; and
18. Officer discipline.
Additionally, we request the table of contents for your department’s policy handbook.
Dear Ms. Wong,
Please click on the link below to access the information, provided by the Garden Grove Police Department, that is responsive to your request regarding police policies.
Please note: The Garden Grove Police Department has no General Orders to cover item #4 - Continuum of Force and item #11 - De-escalation. For item #12 - Duty to intercede, the Police Department does not have a specific order that tells the officer to intercede but they must always only use the required amount of force to overcome the resistance or make the arrest.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove