Request #2636
RE: Public Records Request for Documents - Follow-up To Prior Request - Notices of Completion
Dear Teresa,
Pursuant to the State of California Public Records Act, California Government Code Section 6250-6276.48, I hereby request the following records be produced by the City of Garden Grove ("You") to the Law Office of Lisa Herzog ("Herzog" or "we") within the timeframes provided by statute:
1. Copies of the Notice of Completion of work done by Penco Engineering, Inc. (Penco) for You pursuant to the following contract between You and Penco:
a. Contract described as On-Call Land Surveying Services on "as-needed" Basis dated June 25, 2013.
b. Contract described as On-Call Engineering and Staff Services dated June 28, 2016.
c. Contract described as On-Call Land Surveying Services on "as-needed" basis dated June 28, 2016.
Please Note:
These contract were previously produced by you to Herzog pursuant to a public records request.
Statutory Time Frames for Production.
Responses will be due ten (10) days from receipt of this request pursuant to California Government Code Section 6253 and California Labor Code Section 1776. If, for any reason, You choose to deny this request, please state the reason for the denial within five (5) business days and provide Herzog the name of the person with whom we may file an appeal.
Please feel free to email me regarding this process or this request. If possible, I ask that You email me rather than calling so that I can keep track of all correspondence for each request.
Additionally, to reduce the usage of paper, I prefer that You provide the documents in electronic full size formats, preferably PDF files wherever possible.
Dear Ms. Herzog,
Notices of Completions are not issued for Land Surveying and Engineering Services. Notice of Completions for the contracts provided to you in a previous request were provided in Request #2574. Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions regarding this request.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove