Request #2497


Are there any open fire code violations for the Village Center shopping center located at 7901, 7915 & 7949 Garden Grove Boulevard - Tax APN: 131-682-13

Any available copies of Certificate(s) of Occupancy relating to the aforementioned subject properties?

Any open code enforcement violations?


Request has been satisfied.
April 03, 2017
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Tirado,

Please click on the link below to access building documents and the Garden Grove Fire Department's response to the properties located at 7901, 7915 & 7949 Garden Grove Blvd. in Garden Grove. There are no open zoning (code enforcement) violations for these properties, therefore there are no records responsive to that request.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

April 03, 2017
Assigned to Lisa S Guardi, Morris B Spell, Jerrold R Holstein, Allison D Wilson
March 29, 2017
Request received
March 29, 2017


Closed on Apr 03