Request #2467


December 1994 or January 1995 Oscar Moreida birthdate 03/21/1993 had bb gun injury to eye fire dept and ambulance were called.


Request has been satisfied.
March 22, 2017
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear David,

The Garden Grove Fire Department has no records responsive to your request regarding the incident that occurred in December 1994 or January 1995 involving Oscar Moreida. The Fire Department only has access to records from 7 years (2010) to the present date. The date of the incident requested is over 20 years old, therefore there are no records responsive to your request.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

March 22, 2017
Assigned to Lucia Medina Whittaker
March 16, 2017
Request received
March 16, 2017


Closed on Mar 22