Request #2464
November 18, 2016
Garden Grove Police Department Records Division
11301 Acacia Parkway
Garden Grove, CA 92840
RE: Department Policies
Dear Supervisor McFarlane
We are law professors at the UCLA School of Law conducting an academic study on police policy manuals. Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, we request the following public records for purposes of our academic research:
1. A complete copy of your current law enforcement policy manual. If your police policy manual is available online, please provide the link and confirm for us in writing that the policy available online is the most recent version of your policy manual.
2. Documentation regarding your department’s dealings with Lexipol LLC, a provider of state-specific policy management resources for law enforcement agencies, see enforcement-products, including:
a. All correspondence, documentation, memoranda, or other documents concerning your department’s decision to reject or enter into a contractual relationship with Lexipol LLC to provide your department with policing policies.
b. If your department has contracted with Lexipol LLC to provide any law enforcement policies, please provide any records reflecting the month, day, and year when the Lexipol policies were first adopted by your agency.
c. If your department has contracted with Lexipol LLC to provide any law enforcement policies, please provide any records reflecting any updates to your policy manual provided by Lexipol LLC, from the date Lexipol policies were first adopted by your agency until the present.
d. If applicable, please provide the month, day, and year that your department’s Lexipol LLC policies were terminated.
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November 18, 2016 Public Record Request
For purposes of this request, “public records” are defined as any writing containing information prepared, owned, used, or retained by your agency, regardless of physical form or characteristics. Writings include, but are not limited to, documents that are handwritten, typewritten, photocopied, and transmitted by electronic mail or facsimile.
If there is a waiver of copying costs for academic research, we request it. If not, we are willing to pay reasonable charges for copying up to $100.00. If possible, we request that the documents be provided by e-mail attachment or CD-ROM.
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this request. We look forward to receiving your response within ten calendar days, as the California Public Records Act requires.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this request.
Attached document(s)
Dear Ms. Eagly,
Please click on the link below to access the information responsive to your request regarding the City of Garden Grove's Police Department's current law enforcement policy manual and dealings with Lexipol LLC.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove