Request #2267


Fire Department Report Records for the following address:

12671 Woodbury Rd.
Garden Grove, CA 92843

I am looking for all fire department reports taken during the month of July 2016 for the address listed above. When you pull up the address you will see the GGFD has been out to this location over 50 times in the past 2 years. The GGPD was called out to this location 31 times in 2015 and 25 times in 2016, as of November 25, 2016. GGPD has provided me with reports for all calls made in 2016.

The successor trustees and owners of the property are in the process of selling the property. In order to sell the property, they have filed an unlawful detainer action against the residents and transient residents.

We are specifically looking for a report filed by GGFD during the week of July 17 - 23, 2016. During this time period, GGFD was called out to the residence at least 3 times. A report was specifically filed against a female resident while she was under the influence of an intoxicant.

Please feel free to contact me. My information has been filled out in the Optional Contact Information section.

Your help is greatly appreciated. By supplying this information or directing me to a person whom I can speak with will help GGFD end the costly number of calls made to this address, saving the tax payers of Garden Grove thousands of dollars annually.

Thank you.


Request has been satisfied.
December 02, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Jimenez,

Please click on the link below to access copies of the Fire Incident Reports for the property located at 12671 Woodbury Road in Garden Grove.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

December 02, 2016
Assigned to Millie Merola
December 01, 2016
Request received
December 01, 2016


Closed on Dec 02