Request #2213


Mr. Stiles,

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act & the Federal Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting any and all information including but not limited to an itemized line by line accounting of how this Fleet Management Fund (FMF) is collected, the amounts & types/kinds of fees/charges, what departments are being charged, how much they are being charged, who set or sets the amount(s) for these fees/charges and an explanation of exactly how this FMF is benefiting the members of the public served. According to the above attached CAFRs, the FMF appears to be increasing every year while giving the appearance of a potential misappropriation of public funds that seems to be in violation of the above attached codes.

The below referenced GGMC may not be right on target but it gives us a place to start this inquiry since any and all city related fees, charges and assessments have an impact on us as citizens. Keeping in mind that we need to address our very below average number of police officers, our extraordinarily high crime rate, our ever diminishing quality of life in GG and our dire need to address the homeless issue in our city.

Respectfully submitted,

Tony Flores
WGG, CA 92845

“Fleet Management Fund”

“The costs of operating and maintaining City owned vehicles and other gasoline-powered equipment are accounted for in this fund. The fund is financed by charges to the various City departments for actual cost plus a contributory sum for vehicle/equipment replacement. Actual costs include depreciation, maintenance and other factors necessary for the provision of the service”. – 2003/2015 GG CAFRs



2.20.060 Criteria for Administrative Determination of Fee Schedules

The City Manager, or his or her designee, shall submit recommendations for consideration by the City Council for fees to provide for reimbursement for municipal services that primarily benefit the members of the public served. The schedule of fees for such administrative services shall be structured to provide that all parties using a particular municipal service pay a reasonable share of the related costs thereof. To that end, the following criteria shall be used to determine the appropriate fees and the structure of the fee schedule:

A. The actual and direct costs to the City of the service for which the fee is assessed;

B. The cost share attributable to particular types of services provided to each benefited member of the public;

C. The capital investment by the City in infrastructure or services directly attributable to the service or product provided;

D. The most equitable and refined method of assessing fees for costs; however, average costs can be used;

E. The probable incidental costs related to administering the services;

F. The costs of fee collection;

G. The fee level that is sufficiently low so that the public is able to afford the public service for which the fee is charged;

H. If appropriate, a differential favorable to City residents, giving effect to the financial support by City residents/taxpayers for municipal overhead, including salaries and facilities; and

I. Such other similar factors as will effectuate the intent of this chapter. (2813 § 1, 2012; 2126 § 1, 1989)


Message from Tony Flores

From: Denise Kehn []
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 12:15 PM
To: Tony Flores
Cc: Kathy Bailor
Subject: Re: Request #2213: Message from DENISE KEHN
Importance: High

Mr. Flores,

Your follow up questions regarding the City's Fleet Management Fund have been forwarded to the City's Finance Director Kingsley Okereke. As stated during our phone conversation, Mr. Okereke will be out of the office until Monday, November 28th. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this request.


Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

From: "Tony Flores"
To: "denisek"
Cc: "Scott Stiles" ,
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 8:46:53 AM
Subject: Request #2213: Message from DENISE KEHN

This request has not been satisfied.

Tony Flores

November 21, 2016
Request has been satisfied.
November 10, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Mr. Flores,

The information you seek pertaining to the Fleet Management Fund reported on in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is already included in the CAFR. The City is otherwise unable to understand your request and cannot identify additional records responsive to your request. Note that the Fund in question is not used to report "charges" of fees collected from the public. The Fund is simply an internal service fund within the City's Fund Accounting System that tracks the City's costs of operating and maintaining City owned vehicles and other gasoline-powered equipment.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

November 10, 2016
Assigned to Michael J Mc Clellan
October 31, 2016
Request received
October 31, 2016


Closed on Nov 10