Request #2073


RE: Public Records Act Request

To Whom It May Concern:

This request is being made in accordance with California Public Records Act [Cal. Government Code Section 6252] and all other applicable state laws and local public records ordinances. I am requesting copes of the following records for Andrew Do for his entire term of office with the City of Garden Grove:

• Copies of any and all Form 700 Statements filed by Andrew Do.

• Copies of all salary and benefits for Andrew Do from 2008-2011, including dates and amounts of any per diem increases accepted or refused by Andrew Do.

• Records that Andrew Do is eligible for pension or health benefits and whether he has received those benefits.

• A listing of all per diem payments made to Andrew Do from 2008-2011, including the amount, description and effective date for each payment.

• Records of all expenditures or reimbursements submitted by, or made on behalf of, Andrew Do from 2008-2011. These records include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Any charges and/or payments to any government credit cards issued to Andrew Do or provided for his use regardless of whether Andrew Do personally signed the charges, from 2008-2011.
o Andrew Do’s private and/or personal office spending from 2008-2011, specifically records detailing discretionary spending on security, furniture and general office upgrades and supplies (televisions, computers, cell phones, chairs, desks, iPads, etc.) Records sought include, but are not limited to, purchase orders and reimbursements.
o Records reflecting any travel by Andrew Do from 2008-2011, including but not limited to travel expense reports, travel itineraries, budget reports, reservations, hotel receipts, rental car records, meal reimbursements and communications.

• A list containing the names of all employees who have worked for Andrew Do from 2008-2011, along with the dates of their employment, the reasons for their dismissal, termination, or end of employment, and publicly available portions of personnel records, such as salaries and any and all salary increases.

• A copy of all records and investigations related to any claims or findings of any harassment, bullying or discrimination related to Andrew Do.

• A list of all public records requests submitted to the City of Garden Grove for Councilman Andrew Do from 2008-2011 .

• A copy of all campaign filings by committees under the control of, on behalf of, or independently supporting Andrew Do from 2008-2011.

• A copy of all behested payment forms submitted by Andrew Do from 2008-2011

If unable to provide these records, I request that you provide a written explanation detailing why and for what reason each record is unavailable or denied as a matter of public interest. All costs up to $100 for the production of the requested records are authorized at this time. If costs are estimated to exceed this amount, please contact me for authorization.

I ask that records be provided on a rolling basis as they become available.

I appreciate you confirming receipt of this letter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Request has been satisfied.
August 25, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Perkins,

Please click on the link below to access the documents responsive to item #'s 2 and 3 of your request regarding salary and benefits for Andrew Do. The City has no documents in its possession regarding per diem payments, expenditures or reimbursements, expense reports, and behested payment forms submitted by Andrew Do for the years 2008-2011, therefore there are no records responsive to these request. (Information regarding Form 700, campaign filings, and records requests submitted for Andrew Do, was provided on August 15, 2016.)

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

August 25, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Perkins,

Please click on the link below to access the documents responsive to item #1 (Form 700s) and item #9 (Campaign filings) for Andrew Do between the time period of 2008-2011.

In regards to item #8, the City is not in possession of any public records requests submitted for Council Member Do for the time period of 2008-2011, therefore there are no records responsive to that request.

A response regarding the remaining items on your request will be provided no later than 10 days from today. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this request.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

August 15, 2016
Assigned to Denise Kehn, Susan A Holstein, Carrie S Hanes, Rhonda C Kawell, Claudia Flores, Robert W May
August 15, 2016
Request received
August 15, 2016


Closed on Aug 25