Request #2052


Project No. 7359 - West Haven Reservoirs Rehab.

Please provide the information on the attached form.

Thank you for your assistance.


Request has been satisfied.
August 09, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Ms. Johnson,

Bids for Project No. 7359 - West Haven Reservoir Rehabilitation were rejected at the June 14, 2016, City Council meeting. This project has not gone out for rebid, therefore there are no records responsive to your request.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

August 09, 2016
Assigned to Denise Kehn, Rebecca Pik Kwan Li
August 08, 2016
Request received
August 08, 2016
Message from the requesting party

Attached document(s)

August 08, 2016


Closed on Aug 09