Request #1973


My name is Victor Isai Corado and my D.O.B is XXXXX, Drivers license # XXXXXX and I'm a resident of phoenix, Az. I'm requesting a copy of case # 09010798 to proof I completed all the fees and requirements that the court asked. I'm in need of the court's disposition which includes conviction status, sentencing, probation and evidence of completion. If the court no longer has this record on file would it possible to obtain a letter from the court indicating that the record is no longer retained, thank you very much.


Request has been satisfied.
July 07, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Isai Corado,

This request is a duplicate of Request # 1969. There is not a courthouse located in the City of Garden Grove, therefore the City has no records responsive to your request.

For Police records please contact the Garden Grove Police Department at 714-741-5719. Files on court cases would be obtained through the courthouse where your hearing was located.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

July 07, 2016
Assigned to Denise Kehn
July 07, 2016
Request received
July 07, 2016


Closed on Jul 07