Request #1924


To whom it may concern:

Our firm f3, inc. has been commissioned to conduct a condition assessment survey on the Lampson Village Apartments located at 11450 Lampson Avenue in Garden Grove, California. As a part of this research and report compilation we seek public information from municipal agencies regarding compliance with state and local codes. We would appreciate your response to the following documentation / information requests:

1) Is the property subject to annual fire department inspections? If “YES”’ what is the date of the last inspection?
2) Does the site have any material outstanding fire code violations or notices of deficiencies? If “YES”, please fax copies.
3) Are you aware of any installation / removal permits associated with underground storage tanks at the site? If “YES”, please fax copies.
4) Are you aware of any information associated with hazardous materials use, spills, leaks, or other similar circumstances at the site that would be of environmental concern? If “YES”, please fax copies.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance in this matter. Should you have any questions associated with providing the requested information or if you require a fee, please call me at the number below.


Request has been satisfied.
June 27, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Hendrickson,

Please click on the link below to access the response provided by the Garden Grove Fire Department regarding the property located at 11450 Lampson Avenue in Garden Grove.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

June 27, 2016
Assigned to Lisa S Guardi, Thanh Q Nguyen
June 22, 2016
Request received
June 22, 2016


Closed on Jun 27