Request #1857


Searching for house fire in the late 60; happen at 12182 Emerald St. G.G. The fire dept on Valley View and Chapman heard the explosion and immediately responded...The whole garage blew up.....My father, William D. Stanley, and my sister Terri A. Stanley where in that fire.....I can't seem to get rid of this memory....I need to know when did this happen ? HOW did it happen.. Thank U, will wait for your respond.....I was the little girl who saw the whole thing blow up, I was straight across the street....My father was drag out while trying to save my sister's life....she was in a walker at that time....A baby...I wake up jumping out of bed...I need to find the story....I need to get over this fear....


Request has been satisfied.
June 02, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Ms. Stanley,

After a thorough search of their files, the City of Garden Grove Fire and Police Departments have found no documents pertaining to the fire that occurred at 12182 Emerald Street in Garden Grove in the 1960's, therefore the City has no records responsive to your request.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

June 02, 2016
Message from Millie Merola

No records were found.

June 02, 2016
Message from anonymous

I need help...I am trying to closed this awful memory I have since I was a very little girl...The explosion in the garage happen sometime in the late 60's...It happen at 12182 Emerald St. G.G.....My father then was Williams Dewey Stanley....Also my baby sister was in the garage when the fire started....Terri Ann Stanley....about 1yo...I sorta remember that my father was hospitalize for 66 dy...He was a dead man...managed to save my sister life.... when the firemen tried to get him out of the fire...
Screaming my baby ! where my baby....I didn't know what to do then....I was in shocks...I need closer...Can you help ?

June 01, 2016
Message from anonymous

I need help...I am trying to closed this awful memory I have since I was a very little girl...The explosion in the garage happen sometime in the late 60's...It happen at 12182 Emerald St. G.G.....My father then was Williams Dewey Stanley....Also my baby sister was in the garage when the fire started....Terri Ann Stanley....about 1yo...I sorta remember that my father was hospitalize for 66 dy...He was a dead man...managed to save my sister life.... when the firemen tried to get him out of the fire...
Screaming my baby ! where my baby....I didn't know what to do then....I was in shocks...I need closer...Can you help ?

June 01, 2016
Assigned to Millie Merola
May 31, 2016
Request received
May 31, 2016


Closed on Jun 02