Request #1797
I would like info regarding the city's red light camera program.
More specifically, I would like to know what type of detection is utilized at your intersections. Loop detection, flush mount senors, mapping radar or a combination of the listed technology to detect vlolations.
Secondly, I would like to know what the treshold speeds are, are they consistent system wide or do they vary from intersection to intersection. If they vary, please provide a list in detail.
Lastly, I would like copies of any proposals (whether fulfilled or not) by Redflex Traffic Systems to the city - or vice versa - to upgrade existing enforcement equipment and technology and any proposals (again, whether fulfilled or not) to add additional detection and enforcement to existing intersections/approaches.
Thank You!
Dear Anonymous,
Staff is not familiar with the term "threshold speed". Please provide more detail on the information you are requesting.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
To Whom it May Concern,
Below is the information regarding your request pertaining to the City's red light camera program.
1. Redflex installs their own detector loops to detect vehicles for violations. See attached.
2. In regards to threshold speed see the attached pertaining to loop specifications and line limit.
3. There have not been any proposals from or to Redflex for equipment upgrades, therefore there are no records responsive to this request.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove