Request #1784
Good Morning,
I am requesting a copy of Garden Grove's Employee Compensation Report for the 2015 year under the provisions of California Govt. Code §§ 6250 - 6270, the California Public Records Act.
Most California agencies find it easiest to respond to this request by producing a copy of the State Controller's Office (SCO) report that includes employee names. Please provide a copy of the working report, or any other combination of records, that contains the compensation data found on the SCO report alongside employee names.
Alternatively, please provide copies of any other reports or records that contain information responsive to the purpose of this request: employee name in conjunction with their compensation data.
Please provide the requested materials or, per § 6253(c), a timeline along which they will be made available by, no later than ten days from the date of this request.
Per § 6253.9(a), we ask that you provide the records in an Excel spreadsheet format.
In an effort to standardize how this information is reported we are seeking the same categories of employee compensation that are found in the State Controller's Report. At a minimum, please include the following categories in your response:
Employee Name
Position/Job Title
Annual Salary Minimum & Maximum
Total Regular Pay
Overtime Pay
Other Pay (any additional forms of pay that are not reported in Regular Pay)
Total Retirement & Health Cost (All forms of employer-paid retirement contributions, deferred compensation and health benefits)
If possible, please also include the total number of hours that the employee worked for the year
In the event Garden Grove is not in possession of a record of this nature, we request copies of any record or records that contain information responsive to the purpose of this request - employee name in conjunction with their compensation data.
As a reminder, § 6253.1 instructs public agencies to "assist requester in finding records responsive to the purpose of the request."
Your jurisdiction's information will become part of the website, which is provided to the public as a free service. The website is also intended to be a resource for public sector administrators, allowing easy comparisons across jurisdictions within the state for labor and other costs.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you might have.
Thank you.
Dear Mr. Fellner and Mr. Ralston,
Attached is a copy of the City of Garden Grove's Employee Compensation Report for 2015.
PLEASE NOTE: Future request can be submitted by accessing the City's website at, Online Services, Public Records Request.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove