Request #1713


Request for:

1) Latest electrical bill for City Hall

2) Demand charge

3) Total Kilowatts consumption latest monthly bill

Thank you.


Request has been satisfied.
April 26, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Dijamco,

Attached is a copy of the latest electrical bill for Garden Grove City Hall, including demand charge and total kilowatts consumption.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

April 26, 2016
Message from Dominic Dijamco

Thanks , I understand if ever you need to contact me inragards to my request you can call me at anytime @7148042005 the purpose is for survey for one of my client . Thank You . Dominic Dijamco

April 19, 2016
Due date extended by

Re: Request for Public Records – Notice of Extension
City of Garden Grove

Dear Mr. Dijamco:

The City of Garden Grove has received your records request dated April 5, 2016, requesting copies of the latest electrical bill, demand charge, and total kilowatts consumption for the latest monthly bill for Garden Grove City Hall. This letter shall serve as notification of the City’s intent to comply with your request for public records, pursuant to the California Public Records Act (the “Act”) (Government Code §6250 et seq.).

The City is in the process of evaluating this request and is compiling records in an effort to make a determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the City of Garden Grove. However, notice is hereby given that the time limit to make this initial determination under the code shall be extended by fourteen (14) days to May 2, 2016, pursuant to Government Code §6253, for the following reason:

(a) The extension of time is reasonable and necessary for the proper processing of the request.

As noted above, the City’s written determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable, non-exempt and non-privileged public records in the possession of the agency shall be sent to you on or about May 2, 2016. Pursuant to the Act, thereafter any and all disclosable, non-exempt and non-privileged public records that are deemed responsive to your request will be made promptly available to you.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of this request, please feel free to contact me.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
Due date extended to: Monday, May 02, 2016

April 18, 2016
Message from dom

thank you.

April 05, 2016
Assigned to Ellis Eun Rok Chang, Claudia Flores, Robert W May, Margarita A Abola
April 05, 2016
Request received
April 05, 2016


Closed on Apr 26