Request #1691
12752 Brookhurst Street, GG 92840
Fire Department Incident Records, UST, AST installations and removals records, remediation reports, environmental assessment reports, permits to install/remove USTs.
We are doing an environmental site assessment on land immediately adjacent to this 7-Eleven, and it had been a gas station. We need to know if the USTs were removed appropriately and if there was a case and a remediation was required has it been completed and is the case is closed.
Dear Ms. Anderson,
Thank you for the information. I will forward it to staff to process your request.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
The immediately adjacent (south) address is 12762 Brookhurst, then 12764, 12766, 12772, 12776, 12792, 12798 all in the same bldg on Brookhurst. To the north is Stanford Ave.
Dear Ms. Anderson,
To insure that staff provides the information for the correct location, please provide the address of the property adjacent to 12752 Brookhurst Street that you are requesting the information for.
Thank you,
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
Dear Ms. Anderson,
Attached is the information you requested regarding Garden Grove Fire Department environmental records for the property(s) adjacent to 12752 Brookhurst Street in Garden Grove.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove