Request #1637
I would like to request a copy of the most recent Purchase Orders, Bid Award, Contract Agreement, Traffic Sign Agreements or any similar documents with sign costs for finished (new aluminum) traffic signs, specifically: Regulatory, Warning, Guide, and Temporary Traffic Control Signs (construction signs). For example, Stops, Speed Limit, street name signs, No Parking, Road Work Ahead, school signs, Rail Road Crossing signs to name a few. Of most interest is unit costs for sign blanks and sign faces, any sheeting (roll-goods) purchased with quantities and brand (s) ordered such as 3M, Avery, and/or Nikkalite and the type of sheeting (grade) required such as High Intensity Prismatic (HIP) Engineer Grade (E.G.) Diamond Grade (DG, DG3) EC Film, vinyl and/or anti-graffiti film if ordered.
I agree to pay any duplication and/or associated costs, please let me know what costs will be and we will send a check or provide credit card information (whichever you prefer). If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact me directly toll-free or by email… I have included my full contact information below. I am not in a hurry, so please take your time. I appreciate your time and attention and I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.
If possible please email associated documents. Thank you for your time and attention. If you have any questions please contact me directly.
Attached document(s)
Dear Ms. Villano,
The most recent sign purchase information is attached, along with the two other quotes received. Preferred sheeting is 3M HIP with 3M anti-graffiti 1160 coating. Sign blanks and most stop signs are purchased through a recycling program with Zap Manufacturing. The City has not recently purchased roll sheeting.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove