Request #1593
To the City Clerk:
Under Freedom of Information Act I would be grateful if you could provide the following for Real Estate due diligence purposes in relation to this property:
• Are there any current open violations in respect of Fire Codes and if so what is the nature of these? When was the last FD inspection undertaken and when is the next due?
• Are there any current open violations in respect of Building Codes and if so what is the nature of these?
• Are there any current open violations in respect of Planning / Zoning and if so what is the nature of these?
• Please confirm the Zoning of this property and that the use is consistent with Planning / Zoning requirements, if not is this an illegal or legal non-conforming use.
Could you also confirm any Certificate of Occupancy / original construction completion certificates for the property numbers and dates?
Please confirm to me if there are any violations or breaches of any Public Ordinances that are currently open the City is aware of affecting this property.
Dear Mr. Gavaghan,
Attached is the information responsive to your request regarding the property located at 12101 Western Avenue in Garden Grove. The City of Garden Grove has no open building or zoning violations on this property, therefore there are no records responsive to that request.
Please contact the City of Garden Grove's Planning Division to obtain information on how to receive Zoning Verification Letter for the property. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this request.
Please note, future requests can be submitted by accessing the City's website at, On-Line Services, Public Records Request.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
Dear Mr. Gavaghan,
The contact number for the City's Planning Division is 714-741-5312.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove