Request #1579


Denise Kehn, Records Specialist:

In the past you've sent us your list of unclaimed checks. Would you please send us your latest list? Also, would you have any unclaimed bonds? Thanks.

Under the Public Records Act we request access and copies of the following:

1. Unclaimed or outstanding checks including dates, names, last addresses and amounts due the payees that have been going unclaimed for at least six months but not more than five years. (Generally these are vendor or accounts payable checks.)

2. All unclaimed municipal bonds, including the dates, names, last addresses, and amounts due the bondholders. (Municipal bonds are debt obligations issued by public agencies that use the loans to fund public projects such as the construction of schools, hospitals, and highways. We're not interested in performance bonds.)

A list of these items, rather than actual copies is acceptable. And we can accept it by email.

We are only interested in items that are $5,000 or over and ones issued by your office (not ones that have escheated to the state unclaimed property office).

Our intent is to locate the rightful owners and assist them in claiming their money. Our firm has been in business over 33 years. We continue our mission of helping agencies, like yours, clear unclaimed items off their books, which is a good accounting practice, and help citizens recover their lost assets.

We are willing to pay reasonable costs. Please give us an estimate of the cost before beginning the work.

We appreciate a reply within 10 working days as provided for in the law. You may also respond via e-mail at

Thank you.


Request has been satisfied.
February 03, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Ms. Bialik,

Attached is a list of outstanding checks that have been outstanding at least six months but not more than five years, and are in the amounts of $5,000 or over. The City has no outstanding bonds, therefore there are no records responsive to this request.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

February 03, 2016
Assigned to Robert W May, Ellis Eun Rok Chang
February 02, 2016
Request received
February 02, 2016


Closed on Feb 03