Request #1503
Copies of the minutes for city council meetings
Discussion Regarding medical marijuana legislation presented by city manager stiles.
November 24, 2015
Update on new medical marijuana legislation.
November 10, 2015
City Council meetings are held the 2nd and the 4th Tuesday of each month. Meeting agendas are not finalized until the Thursday/Friday before each meeting, therefore we have no way of knowing what will be on the agenda until that time.
Planning minutes for December 3rd have not been approved at this time.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
From: "Andrea M"
To: "Public Records Request"
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 4:53:24 PM
Subject: Re: Request #1503: Message from DENISE KEHN
Do you happen to know when there will be the next meeting regarding this? There should have been a meeting on December 3rd at 7PM with the planning department do you have minutes for that as well?
Dear Ms. Martin,
City Council minutes for the City of Garden Grove are action minutes and not verbatim. Attached is a copy of the minutes for the Study Session held on November 10, 2015, where the Chief discussed the new medical marijuana legislation.
Minutes for the November 24, 2015, City Council meeting have not yet been approved. You can watch the meeting by viewing the YouTube video at the following address:
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
City Hall is closed for the holidays from December 24th through January 1st. The next Planning Commission meeting isn't until January 7th. I would check back at the end of January, at which time you may be able to access them on the City's website.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
From: "Andrea M"
To: "Denise Kehn"
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 4:59:32 PM
Subject: Re: Request #1503: Message from DENISE KEHN
When is the best time to check back about the December 3rd minutes?