Request #1476
I am requesting records from the Garden Grove Police Department of all incidents from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 involving an officer’s use of force. For those incidents where an officer used reportable force, I would like copies of: 1) the use of force reporting forms; 2) the incident reports/case reports; and 3) the officers’ statements/narratives. I would like to receive these documents electronically if possible. I do not want copies of videos, pictures, CAD printouts, civilian witness statements or other evidence associated with these incidents.
I would also like to know the total number of arrests made by the Department in 2014.
Request has been satisfied.
December 10, 2015
Message from Denise Kehn
December 10, 2015
Assigned to Vicky L Helton, Charles K Boddy, Todd D Elgin
December 03, 2015
Request received
December 03, 2015
Closed on Dec 10
Dear Mr. Scales,
This shall serve as the City’s notice of determination as to whether your December 3, 2015 records request seeks copies of non-exempt, non-privileged, disclosable public records in the possession of the City, pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code §6250 et seq.).
The City objects to your request to the extent it seeks police officer personnel records. (Government Code §6254(k)) These records may only be released pursuant to a Pitchess motion. (Penal Code §§832.7 and 832.8, Evidence Code §§1043-1045) In addition, the City will not release the law enforcement investigatory records responsive to your request, as they are exempt from disclosure pursuant to Government Code section 6254(f). The City is not in possession of any non-exempt, non-privileged, disclosable public records responsive to your request.
In response to your request for the total number of arrest made by the Garden Grove Police Department in 2014, 6,175 arrests were made.
Please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove