Request #1457


Please provide a copy of the following:

1) California Voting Rights Act
2) Minutes of the meeting regarding the Council's decision to move to by-district elections
3) 9/25 Press release regarding Council's approval of by-district elections.


Request has been satisfied.
November 20, 2015
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Williams,

Attached are copies of the California Voting Rights Act; minutes from the September 25, 2015, City Council meeting regarding Council's decision to move to by-district elections; and the September 28, 2015, press release regarding Council's approval of by-district elections. Please click on the link below to access your documents.

Please note, future requests can be submitted by accessing the City's website at, On-Line Services, Public Records Request.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

November 20, 2015
Assigned to Maria A Stipe, Denise Kehn
November 20, 2015
Request received
November 20, 2015


Closed on Nov 20