Request #1132
I'm requesting the name of the Garden Grove police officer involved in the officer-involved shooting on 6/29/2015.
We are asking for his name, rank, years with the department, age, whether he is on paid or unpaid leave and if he's been involved in similar incidents.
Thank You,
Louis Casiano
Dear Mr. Casiano,
Your request seeks the “name, rank, years with the department, age, whether he is on paid leave and if he’s been involved in similar incidents” for the police officer involved in the officer involved shooting on June 29, 2015. To the extent your request seeks officer personnel records, these records are exempt from disclosure and will not be produced. (Government Code §6254(k); Penal Code §§832.7 and 832.8; Evidence Code §§1043-1045) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City provides the following information:
Officer Name: Bryan Meers
Rank: Police Officer
Date of Hire: March 2009
Regarding your request for “similar incidents,” the City objects to this request on the basis that it is vague, overbroad, and not focused and specific. (Rogers v. Superior Court, (1993) 19 Cal.App.4th 469) If you are seeking information regarding other officer involved shootings, Officer Meers has not previously been involved in any other officer involved shootings.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
This is not true. Bryon Meers has been invoved with at least 2 other on the job shootings . Once in Dec, 2012 and another sometime in 2010'