Urban Forest Management Plan

The City's 40-year Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP) acts as a guide for maintaining, enhancing, and growing an urban forest in Garden Grove.
Garden Grove's urban forest is a valuable functional and aesthetic asset that improves our quality of life by providing clean air for residents, visitors, and future generations. The economic, social, and environmental benefits that a healthy tree can provide greatly influence our community health and vitality. The trees that line our streets; shade our parks, trails, and schools; beautify our yards; shopping centers, and parking lots help make Garden Grove a better place to play, visit, and live.
The UFMP is part of the City’s Re:Imagine Garden Grove efforts and expands on the Active Transportation Program, a bicycle and pedestrian master plan to create healthier and more connected open spaces in Garden Grove.
View photos of the Medal of Honor Bike and Pedestrian and the tree installation HERE.
The UFMP provides a guide for managing, enhancing, and growing Garden Grove’s community tree resource over the next 40 years, while providing specific goals and actions for managing community trees and increasing canopy cover.
UFMP Final Plan
Resolution No. 9676-21
Ordinance No. 2922
Educating the youth on drought-tolerant trees through a math and science approach, these worksheets also provide residents with tree tips, care and cost.
Tree Tip
Planting quality trees begins by selecting the right tree for the right location, and choosing vigorous, structurally sound trees. Learn the guidelines for selecting, planting, and early care of young trees.
Tree Planting - Tips
Tree Artwork
Visit the tree artwork submitted by local youth , K-12th grades. Approximately 100 students submitted drawings, paintings, illustrations, and photographs of current and future trees.
Tree Artwork
- Record Crowd Fills Car-Free Streets in Garden Grove
- Open Streets Car-Free Event to Cause Temporary Road Closures
- Open Streets, Car-Free Event Returns April 2
- City Dedicates Bike and Pedestrian Trail, Unveils Commemorative Plaque
- Temporary Closure of Congressional Medal of Honor Bike and Pedestrian Trail
- Community Invited to Participate in Tree Art Contest Social Media Challenge
- Urban Forest Management Plan Art Contest, Survey Deadlines Extended
- City Invites Local Youth to Participate in Tree Art Contest
- City Seeking Community Input for Urban Forest Plan