Environmental Documents

Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)
General Plan Amendment No. GPA-001-2025
Location: South Side of Santa Catalina Avenue between Valley View Street and ST. Mark Street at 5802 Santa Catalina Avenue
Related Cases: Zoning Map Amendment No. A-041-2025; Tentative Parcel Map No. 2024-124; Tentative Tract Map No. TT-19336; Variance No. V-045-2025; Site Plan No. SP-150-2025; Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-119-60 (Rev. 2025)
Project Description: A request to develop a 26-unit residential townhome project, on a portion of an approximately 3.025-acre site developed with a parking lot of a religious facility. As part of the project, the Planning Commission will consider a recommendation that the City Council approve the following:
(i) General Plan Amendment to amend the general plan land use designation of a 1.73-acre portion of the project site from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) to facilitate the development of the residential project;
(ii) Zoning Map Amendment to rezone a 1.73-acre portion of the project site from R-1 (Single-Family Residential) to R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential) to facilitate the development of the residential project on the 1.73 acre portion of the project site;
(iii) Tentative Parcel Map approval to subdivide the existing approximately 3.025 acre lot into two lots to facilitate the development of the residential project on a new 1.73 acre parcel;
(iv) Tentative Tract Map approval to create a one-lot subdivision for the purpose of selling each townhome as a condominium;
(v) Variance approval to deviate from the required rear yard setback for second-story building areas;
(vi) Site Plan approval to construct the twenty-six (26) two-story townhomes along with associated site improvements;
(vii) Conditional Use Permit (CUP) approval to modify the existing religious facility CUP to allow the development of the residential project.
The Planning Commission will also consider a recommendation that the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the project. Copies of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, including the Initial Study and all documents referenced in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, are available for public review at 1) Garden Grove City Hall, Planning Services Counter, 11222 Acacia Parkway, Garden Grove; And 2), Garden Grove Regional Library, 11200 Stanford Avenue, Garden Grove.
Public Hearing Date: February 20, 2025
Notices of Determination (NOD)
Notices of Exemption (NOE)
Site Plan No. SP-070-2019 (REINSTATEMENT 2024)
Location: Northwest corner of Westminster Avenue and Atlantis Way, at 9191 Westminster Avenue
Related Cases: Variance No. V-023-2019 (REINSTATEMENT 2024)
Project Description: A request to reinstate the approval of Site Plan No. SP-070-2019 to construct a 7,140 square-foot third floor addition to an existing two story, approximately 29,000 square-foot, medical office building, and to reinstate the approval of Variance No. V-023-2019 to deviate from the maximum stories and height permitted in the O-P (Office Professional) zone to facilitate the construction of the new third floor addition.
Public Hearing Date: July 25, 2024
Site Plan No. SP-141-2024
Location: North side of Orangewood Avenue, between Mac Street and Magnolia Street, at 8791-8811 Orangewood Avenue.
Related Cases: Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA-031-2024, and Conditional Use Pernmit No. CUP-493-00 (REV. 2024)
Project Description: A request to expand an existing religious facility by incorporating an approximately 0.42-acre adjoining parcel into the development's site area, and constructing a new ancillary building. The Planning Commission will consider approval of (ii) a Site Plan to construct a new 4,285 square foot two-story ancillary building to serve the existing religious facility site, along with associated site improvements; (ii) a Lot Line Adjustment to remove an existing lot line for the purposes of consolidating two (2) adjoining lots into one (1) lot to accommodate the religious facility expansion; and (iii) a modification to Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-493-00 to allow the expansion of the religious use. Upon approval and exercise of the subject request, the Conditional Use Permit previously governing the subject religious facility, CUP- 493-00, would be replaced by the modified Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-493-00 (REV. 2024).
Public Hearing Date: August 15, 2024
Location: Northeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Buaro Street at 12781 Harbor Boulevard
Related Cases: N/A
Project Description: A request for Conditional Use Permit approval to allow the operation of a new, 2,900 square foot, arcade, located within an existing multi-tenant commercial shopping center.
Public Hearing Date: September 12, 2024
Director's Review No. DR-077-2024
Location: East side of Euclid Street just south of Chapman Avenue at 12100 Euclid Street
Related Cases: N/A
Project Description: A request for Director's Review approval to continue to allow the temporary use of a modular structure for medical office use, to support urgent care functions at an existing Kaiser Permanente medical office facility.
Public Hearing Date: N/A
Interpretation of Use No. IOU-006-2024
Location: : Southeast corner of Stanford Avenue and 8th Street, west of 9th Street at 11432-11462 Stanford Avenue
Related Cases: Tentative Parcel Map No. PM-2023-156, Site Plan No. SP-144-2024, and Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-267-2024
Project Description: A request to develop a six-story mixed-use development on a net 0.94-acre lot consisting of a 78-unit senior apartment complex and an 82-bed Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE). The specific land use entitlement approvals requested include the following: (i) An Interpretation of Use to determine the compatibility between an RCFE use and the CC-3 (Civic Center Core) zone classification, and to allow the RCFE use subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit; (ii) A Tentative Parcel Map to consolidate two (2) existing parcels and to create a one-lot subdivision for condominium purposes to divide the RCFE and apartment building; (iii) A Site Plan to allow construction of the six-story mixed-use development consisting of a 78 unit senior apartment building over a parking structure with one (1) subterranean level and one (1) above-ground level, and a 82-bed RCFE attached to the parking structure/apartment building, along with associated site improvements; and (iv) a Conditional Use Permit to allow and regulate the operation of the proposed RCFE on the subject site. The proposal includes four (4) affordable housing units for “very low income” households, which qualifies the project for a density bonus, concessions and incentives, waivers or reductions of development standards, and reduced parking ratios pursuant to the State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Section 65915, et. seq.) and Garden Grove Municipal Code (GGMC) Section 9.60.040 (Residential Density Bonus) (collectively, the “DBL”). The project has been designed to incorporate certain incentives / concessions, and waivers and reductions of development standards pursuant to the DBL.
Public Hearing Date: October 3, 2024
Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA-032-2024
Location: West of Magnolia Street, south of Bestle Avenue, and north of Trask Avenue, at 13402 Lucille Street.
Related Cases: N/A
Project Description: A request for Lot Line Adjustment approval to remove an existing lot line for the purpose of consolidating two (2) parcels into one (1) parcel to facilitate the construction of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on a property currently developed with a single-family dwelling.
Public Hearing Date: October 10, 2024
Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-335-11 (REV. 2024)
Location: South side of Garden Grove Boulevard, between Fairview Street and Haster Street, at 13132 Garden Grove Boulevard #B
Related Cases: Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-335-11 (REV. 2024)
Project Description: A request to modify Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-335-11, which governs alcohol sales and live entertainment for an existing bar, to extend the permissible days for live entertainment to seven (7) days a week. Upon approval and exercise of the subject request, the Conditional Use Permit previously governing the tenant space, CUP-335-11, would be revoked and replaced by Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 335-11 (REV. 2024).
Public Hearing Date: November 21, 2024
Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA-034-2024
Location: Intersection of Loraleen Street and Catherine Avenue, west of Gilbert Street
Related Cases: N/A
Project Description: A request for Lot Line Adjustment approval to eliminate two small parcels (Parcel “A” & Parcel “B”), for the purpose of reconfiguring the property line boundary between two developed, single-family residential properties, located at 9271 Catherine Avenue (Parcel 1) and 12261 Loraleen Street (Parcel 2). No additional parcels will be created and no additional development is proposed.
Public Hearing Date: December 12, 2024
Site Plan No. SP-152-2025
Location: Southwest corner of Lampson Avenue and Westlake Street, at 10852 Lampson Avenue
Related Cases: Site Plan No. SP-152-2025
Project Description: A request for Site Plan approval to construct a seven (7) unit, three-story multiple-family residential apartment building and associated site improvements on an approximately 0.29-acre lot. The proposal includes one (1) affordable housing unit for “very low-income” households. The inclusion of one (1) “very low-income” unit qualifies the project for a density bonus, concessions and incentives, waivers or reductions of development standards, and reduced parking ratios pursuant to the State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Section 65915, et. seq.) and Garden Grove Municipal Code (GGMC) Section 9.60.040 (Residential Density Bonus) (collectively, the “Density Bonus Law” or “DBL”). The project has been designed to incorporate certain incentives / concessions of development standards pursuant to the DBL.
Public Hearing Date: March 6, 2025
Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-275-2025
Location: East side of Magnolia Street, south of Katella Avenue, at 11074 and 11076 Magnolia Street
Related Cases: N/A
Project Description: A request for conditional use permit approval to operate a new 18,183 square foot adult daycare facility for 463 adults. In conjunction with the request, the Planning Commission will also consider a determination that the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Public Hearing Date: February 20, 2025