Current Projects
Case Nos.:
Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-250-2023
Project Location:
Northeast corner of Acacia Parkway and Euclid Street, at 11261-11301 Acacia Parkway
Case Planner:
Chris Chung & Priit Kaskla
Project Description:
A new police headquarters of up to 104,000 square feet, a new parking garage of up to 448 parking spaces, demolish the existing police headquarters, and a new park all within the City’s Civic Center Area.
Project construction Phase I is underway, Phase II expected to begin in 2026.
Case Nos.:
General Plan Amendment No. GPA-001-2023
Amendment No. A-036-2023
Site Plan No. SP-127-2023
Tentative Tract Map No. TT-19273
Project Location:
Southeast corner of Brookhurst Street and Central Avenue, located at 13252 Brookhurst Street, 10052 Central Avenue
Case Planner:
Huong Ly
Project Description:
A thirty (30) unit residential townhome project, which includes three (3) affordable residential units for “moderate-income” households, on an approximately 1.22-acre site.
Project is in plan check.
Case Nos.:
Site Plan No. SP-129-2023
Project Location:
North of Bixby Avenue, between Carthay Circle and Peacock Court, located at 9691 Bixby Avenue
Case Planner:
Huong Ly
Project Description:
A three-story, 27-unit residential apartment complex and associated site improvements on a 0.83-acre lot. The proposal includes three (3) affordable housing units for "very-low income" households. All existing on-site improvements will be demolished to accommodate the proposed development.
Project is awaiting plan check.
Case Nos.:
Site Plan No. SP-132-2023
Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-251-2023
Project Location:
East side of Dale Street, between Katella Avenue and Orangewood Avenue, located at 11236 Dale Street
Case Planner:
Huong Ly
Project Description:
Demolish an assembly building and an ancillary building to construct an approximately 7,430 square foot, two-story, multi-purpose building on an existing church site, True Jesus Church. In conjunction with the building request, a Conditional Use Permit to allow the church to continue to operate at the subject site.
Project is in plan check.
Case Nos.:
Site Plan No. SP-133-2024
Variance No. V-041-2024
Project Location:
South of Chapman Avenue, between Harbor Boulevard and Haster Street, located at 12542 Chapman Avenue
Case Planner:
Kaneca Pompey
Project Description:
A 2,000 square-foot restaurant pad building with a drive-thru lane, along with associated site improvements. The existing 1,785 square foot building will be demolished to facilitate the proposed project
Project is in plan check.

Case Nos.:
Site Plan No. SP-122-2023
Tentative Parcel Map No. PM-2022-167
Project Location:
Southwest corner of Western Avenue and Lincoln Way, at 7390 and 7440 Lincoln Way.
Case Planner:
Priit Kaskla
Project Description:
Site Plan approval to construct a new 88,164 square-foot shell industrial building following the demolition of a 76,500 square-foot building at 7390 Lincoln Way and a 29,950 square-foot building at 7440 Lincoln Way. Also, a Tentative Parcel Map to consolidate 7390 Lincoln Way and 7440 Lincoln Way into a single parcel.
Project is in plan check.
Case Nos.:
Site Plan No. SP-125-2023
Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-241-2023
Project Location:
Southwest corner of Harbor Boulevard and Garden Grove Boulevard, at 13091 Harbor Boulevard
Case Planner:
Priit Kaskla
Project Description:
A new restaurant, Sabroso! Mexican Grill, in an existing 2,780 square foot tenant space within a pad building located at 13091 Harbor Boulevard. Includes exterior tenant improvements, and the addition of a 927 square-foot patio dining area. Also, a new original State Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type “47” (On-Sale, General) License.
Project is in plan check.
Case Nos.:
Site Plan No. SP-121-2023
Variance No. V-039-2023
Project Location:
Southwest corner of Garden Grove Boulevard & Partridge Street, at 12692 Garden Grove Boulevard
Case Planner:
Huong Ly
Project Description:
A new 6,694 square foot one-story office building on the vacant and unimproved portion of a 1.09-acre property, along with associated site improvements. The existing 4,600 square foot, one-story commercial building on the property’s southwest corner will remain unchanged.
Project is in plan check.