Request #7027
• Permits, reports, and information for Underground or Aboveground Storage Tanks (UST/AST), oil / water separator or clarifier installation or removal any current or previous building at the property
• Permits for flammable materials storage
• Permits of asbestos removal
• Permits for the installation or decommissioning of drinking water wells & septic systems
• Demolition/renovation permits for the current building of any other prior building on this property
• Any known spills, releases, hazardous materials
• Any known or suspected potential environmental issues at the property or area of the subject property
• Historical use of the subject property
• Any special requirements per planning / zoning due to potential environmental concerns in the area
• Outstanding fire code violations associated with storage / handling / use of flammable or hazardous materials
• Fires or spills
• Permits for Underground or Aboveground Storage Tanks (UST/AST), installation or removal
• Any known storage of hazardous materials or petroleum products
VJ Engineering
13902 West Street
Parcel: 10059124
Garden Grove, Orange County, California 92843
Property Solutions Inc Project #: 20210938
Per the City's Public Work's Department, the last NPDES Inspection performed January 28, 2020. Medium Priority (VJ Engineering) and no violations were identified.
No Fire Department code violation or hazardous materials records were found concerning the history of the above-mentioned site, especially as it pertains to current occupant fire code violations, hazardous materials disclosure, permits, and or environmental records.
The City of Garden Grove Fire Department has utilized its best efforts to locate the records requested. The City does not provide records on spills, leaks and clean-up, as that information is provided through the County of Orange Health Department.
As of August 16, 2019, Orange County Fire Authority provides City fire and emergency medical services to the City of Garden Grove, therefore please contact Orange County Fire Authority for most current fire records.
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove