Request #5555


The following records or materials are requested. All pertain to red light camera systems.

A. Signed copies of all 12-1-19 or later updates, amendments, extensions, renewals, or revisions to the City's contract with Redflex (I previously have requested a copy of everything prior to then), and copies of all correspondence relating to same regardless of whether the update, etc. was finalized or only proposed, where the date of the correspondence was 12-1-19 or later.

B(1)(a). For each "intersection approach" or "approach" (defined as a red light camera or cameras monitoring any or all lanes of traffic entering an intersection from a single compass direction) within your jurisdiction, the tabulation or tally of violations recorded and discarded, and of citations issued (report title: Customer Management Report), during the following calendar months (separately, one calendar month per report): Nov19, Dec19, Jan20, Feb20, Mar20.

B(1)(b). For each "intersection approach" or "approach" (defined as a red light camera or cameras monitoring any or all lanes of traffic entering an intersection from a single compass direction) within your jurisdiction, the tabulation or tally of violations recorded and discarded, and of citations issued (report title: Customer Management Report), during the entire calendar year 2019.

T. All documents or materials created or amended 1-1-16 or later (including but not limited to work orders, memos, reports, emails) regarding changes, even if only proposed, to the signal timing at Harbor/Trask.

This request is for copies of the above records or materials, to be emailed to me. However, if any of these documents are not available in electronic format, please mail them to me.

Your attention is drawn, in particular, to Government Code Sections 6253 and 6253.1. If there are any public records that you seek to withhold, please state the reasons therefor. In addition, you must assist requester in identifying public records and information responsive to this request; and you have an obligation to "[p]rovide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the records and information sought."


Request has been completed.
March 19, 2020
Message from Amanda M Pollock

Please click on the link below to access document(s) responsive to your request.

For any further questions regarding this request, please feel free to contact:
Police Records at (714) 741-5719
Engineering/Traffic at (714) 741-5192

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

March 19, 2020
Assigned to Rocky F Rubalcaba, Dai C Vu, Rosemarie Jacot, Heidy Y Munoz, Mary Ann M Alcancia
March 12, 2020
Request received
March 12, 2020


Closed on Mar 19