Commissions, Board, and Committee Application Applications are kept on file in the City Clerk’s Office for two years, and may be considered for any vacancy or term expiration that occurs during that time. Indicates required field Read about Garden Grove Commissions Commission Administrative Board of Appeals (meets on call) Downtown Commission (meets on the second Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, and November) Neighborhood Improvement and Conservation Commission (meets on the first Monday of March, June, September, and December) Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission (meets on the second Thursday of January, April, July, and October) Planning Commission (meets on the first and third Thursday of each month) Traffic Commission (meets on the first Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November) Committee Measure O Citizen Oversight Committee (minimum of two meetings once a year) Measure O Citizens' Oversight Committee The purpose of the Measure O Citizens' Oversight Committee is to review the City's annual general fund budget, mid-year budget, and year-end audited financial information in regards to the receipt and expenditure of the fiscal year's one-cent transactions and use (sales) tax revenue. This review will be based on the City's Measure O Ordinance No. 2897 and input received via the Community Priorities Survey. The committee will communicate its findings to the public and the City Council annually. Please identify the type of position for which you are applying: Active resident senior (62+) GG business member (GG business owner or representative) Finance/accounting background Resident at-large Background and Personal Data Outline First Name Last Name Home Address Enter the full street address (e.g., 123 Main Street). Avoid using abbreviations. Home Address (Line 2) Enter additional address details if applicable, such as apartment or unit numbers. Home Zip Business Address Business Zip Home Telephone Business Telephone Cell Phone Email Address Provide your qualifications and/or experience relevant to the purpose and responsibilities of the Measure O Citizens' Oversight Committee. Please include any specific financial or accounting work experience. List courses of study or emphasis which may have a bearing on selection Present or past employment which may relate to your interest and/or ability in this area List current membership in organizations and offices held as they may relate to this selection Please provide any additional information which may be helpful for selection Garden Grove Commissions Application Yes, I am a resident of Garden Grove. (Nonresidents may serve on the Downtown Commission and Measure O Citizens' Oversight Committee) I have completed this application with the knowledge and understanding that any or all items may be verified and I wish to continue with my submission.
Applications are kept on file in the City Clerk’s Office for two years, and may be considered for any vacancy or term expiration that occurs during that time. Indicates required field Read about Garden Grove Commissions Commission Administrative Board of Appeals (meets on call) Downtown Commission (meets on the second Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, and November) Neighborhood Improvement and Conservation Commission (meets on the first Monday of March, June, September, and December) Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission (meets on the second Thursday of January, April, July, and October) Planning Commission (meets on the first and third Thursday of each month) Traffic Commission (meets on the first Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November) Committee Measure O Citizen Oversight Committee (minimum of two meetings once a year) Measure O Citizens' Oversight Committee The purpose of the Measure O Citizens' Oversight Committee is to review the City's annual general fund budget, mid-year budget, and year-end audited financial information in regards to the receipt and expenditure of the fiscal year's one-cent transactions and use (sales) tax revenue. This review will be based on the City's Measure O Ordinance No. 2897 and input received via the Community Priorities Survey. The committee will communicate its findings to the public and the City Council annually. Please identify the type of position for which you are applying: Active resident senior (62+) GG business member (GG business owner or representative) Finance/accounting background Resident at-large Background and Personal Data Outline First Name Last Name Home Address Enter the full street address (e.g., 123 Main Street). Avoid using abbreviations. Home Address (Line 2) Enter additional address details if applicable, such as apartment or unit numbers. Home Zip Business Address Business Zip Home Telephone Business Telephone Cell Phone Email Address Provide your qualifications and/or experience relevant to the purpose and responsibilities of the Measure O Citizens' Oversight Committee. Please include any specific financial or accounting work experience. List courses of study or emphasis which may have a bearing on selection Present or past employment which may relate to your interest and/or ability in this area List current membership in organizations and offices held as they may relate to this selection Please provide any additional information which may be helpful for selection Garden Grove Commissions Application Yes, I am a resident of Garden Grove. (Nonresidents may serve on the Downtown Commission and Measure O Citizens' Oversight Committee) I have completed this application with the knowledge and understanding that any or all items may be verified and I wish to continue with my submission.