2023 Water Quality Report
Since 1990, California public water utilities have been providing an annual Water Quality Report to their customers. This year’s report
covers calendar year 2022 drinking water quality testing and reporting.
The City of Garden Grove Water Services Division (City) vigilantly safeguards its water supply and, as in years past, the water delivered to
your home meets the quality standards required by federal and state regulatory agencies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) and the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water (DDW) are the agencies responsible for establishing
and enforcing drinking water quality standards.
In some cases, the City goes beyond what is required by testing for unregulated chemicals that may have known health risks but do not have drinking water standards. For example, the Orange County Water District (OCWD), which manages the groundwater basin, and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWDSC), which supplies imported treated surface water to the City test for unregulated chemicals in our water supply. Unregulated chemical monitoring helps USEPA and DDW determine where
certain chemicals occur and whether new standards need to be established for those chemicals to protect
public health.
Through drinking water quality testing programs carried out by OCWD for groundwater, MWDSC for treated surface water and the City for the water distribution system, your drinking water is constantly monitored from source to tap for regulated and unregulated constituents. The state allows us to monitor for some contaminants less than once per year because the concentra tions of these contaminants do not change frequently.
Some of our data, though representative, are more than one year old.