April 20, 2023

The community is invited to participate in an online survey to provide input on residential street parking conditions as part of a comprehensive parking study. Six focus neighborhoods were selected for the study to be used for future city planning. The survey, available in multiple languages, can be accessed through Wednesday, May 17, 2023 from the City’s website at ggcity.org/parking-study.

The project is made possible through a grant from the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Sustainable Communities Program, which aims to support local jurisdictions in the use of innovative planning techniques to meet their needs.

Survey questions provide opportunities for feedback in areas such as parking practices, parking issues, and suggested improvements.

In addition to the online parking survey, the study also includes neighborhood outreach, information and survey accessibility at local events, and upcoming community meetings.

For more information, please visit ggcity.org/parking-study or contact Traffic Engineer Dai Vu, at daiv@ggcity.org.