April 5, 2023

Garden Grove Mayor Steve Jones is joining mayors across the country in the 2023 Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation to promote water quality and water resource sustainability. The challenge, presented by the Wyland Foundation, is an annual non-profit national community service campaign that recruits leaders to encourage their residents to use water more efficiently, reduce pollution, and save energy during the month of April. From now until April 30, 2023, Garden Grove residents can pledge to conserve water on behalf of the city at www.mywaterpledge.com.

The cities with the highest percentage of residents who take the challenge in their population category have a chance to win hundreds of eco-friendly prizes and the grand prize of $3,000 toward one resident’s home utility bills. The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) is also partnering with the Wyland Foundation to offer a breakaway competition exclusively for Orange County residents. The Orange County city with the highest participation in MWDOC’s service area will receive a visit from the state-of-the-art Wyland Clean Water Mobile Learning Experience (MLE).

“The City of Garden Grove recognizes that water is one of the most important natural resources on the planet, and its sustainability is instrumental in maintaining the quality of life in our community. Now more than ever, we must continue our water conservation efforts and encourage others to do the same. Join me in participating in the Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation by pledging to conserve water,” said Garden Grove Mayor Steve Jones.

For more information and to take the pledge, visit www.mywaterpledge.com. For more information about the MWDOC breakaway competition, visit https://bit.ly/415JtNQ. To learn about the City’s water-saving tips, conservation regulations, and conservation rebates, visit www.ggcity.org/drought.