February 14, 2023

UPDATE: 3/27/23 at 11:20 a.m.

The submission deadline to participate in the Foods of Garden Grove Social Media Challenge has been extended to Sunday, May 28, 2023. To submit a video, visit the Foods of Garden Grove website at ggcity.org/foodsofgardengrove/social-challenge.

The City of Garden Grove and the Garden Grove Unified School District invite local high school students, 10th-12th grades, to participate in the Foods of Garden Grove Social Media Challenge, aimed at supporting local small businesses. Students are invited to create a 30- to 60-second “foodie” video at a Foods of Garden Grove eatery or café of their choice, and submit their original work online, at ggcity.org/foodsofgardengrove, by Thursday, March 23, 2023.

Submissions will be showcased on the Foods of Garden Grove Instagram and TikTok, @foodsofgardengrove. All participants will be entered into an opportunity drawing to win a $100 gift card. Three winners will be chosen at random.

Videos must be the original work of the student and feature one of the Foods of Garden Grove businesses. Videos must be uploaded without music or voice over. Choice of music and voice over can be indicated in the submission form.

The social challenge is part of the City’s Foods of Garden Grove program showcasing the city’s vibrant food culture through a prominent list of 150 select eateries. Through the Foods of Garden Grove Social Media Challenge, students can create a unique “foodie” experience featuring their favorite meals and beverages.

For more information, visit ggcity.org/foodsofgardengrove or email foodies@ggcity.org.