Emergency Preparedness
Emergencies can happen at a moment’s notice. Are you prepared? In California, we all need to prepare for the following emergencies:
- Earthquakes
- Blackouts/Power outages
- Fires
- Heat waves
- Winter storms
- Floods
Everyone should have a plan and a tool kit prepared for their home, work, and vehicle.
Basic items that should be in your “Grab and Go” bag include:
- Copies of important documents (driver license, medical card, insurance documents, etc.)
- Medications that are regularly taken (make a copy of the prescription before you fill it)
- Name and phone number of someone out of state (a family check-in point)
- Cash (small bills)
- First aid kit
- Personal protective equipment (gloves, masks, etc.)
- Personal items (sunglasses, hats, phone chargers, etc.)
- Portable radio
- Flashlight
- Batteries
- Water
- Snacks
For a detailed list of needed supplies and information on how to be prepared, visit the following resources:
FEMA | https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4339/emergency-preparedness |
National Fire Prevention Association | https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Staying-safe/Preparedness/Emergency-Preparedness |
National Safety Council | https://www.nsc.org/home-safety/safety-topics/emergency-preparedness |
Orange County Fire Authority | https://www.ocfa.org/ |
Ready OC | http://www.readyoc.org/ |
Red Cross | https://www.redcross.org/get-help |
The Great California Shake Out | https://www.shakeout.org/california/ |
U.S. Department of Homeland Security | https://www.dhs.gov/see-something-say-something |
U.S. Department of Labor | https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/emergencypreparedness/ |
Center for Disease Control and Prevention | https://emergency.cdc.gov/ |